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Paul Gewirtz (Chair)

  Paul Gewirtz is the Potter Stewart Professor of Constitutional Law at Yale Law School and the Director of the Paul Tsai China Center. He is also the Jones Day Chair Professor for Globalization and Rule of Law at Peking University. Professor Gewirtz teaches and writes in various legal and policy fields, including constitutional law, federal courts, antidiscrimination law, law and literature, Chinese law, and American foreign policy. Among other works, his publications include the books:  Law’s StoriesThe Case Law System in America, and nine volumes of readings and materials on comparative constitutional law. Through the Paul Tsai China Center, Professor Gewirtz carries out research and teaching on legal development in China and on U.S.-China relations, and also works with a wide range of Chinese counterparts to help advance legal reform in China and to advance greater understanding and cooperation between the United States and China more generally. He is currently co-leading a Track II Dialogue on U.S.-China Relations involving prominent former government officials from both countries. For ten years, Professor Gewirtz was also the director of the Global Constitutionalism Seminar and a member of the American Law Institute and the Council on Foreign Relations. Before joining the Yale Law School faculty, Professor Gewirtz served as a law clerk to Justice Thurgood Marshall of the United States Supreme Court and practiced law in Washington, D.C. at Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering and the Center for Law and Social Policy. He received his B.A. degree summa cum laude from Columbia University and his law degree from Yale.
  Paul Gewirtz是耶鲁大学太阳诚集团53138Potter Stewart讲席宪法学教授、蔡中曾中国中心主任。他也是太阳诚集团53138众达全球化与法治讲席教授。Gewirtz教授开设的课程有宪法学、联邦法院系统、反歧视法、法律和文学、中国法律和美国外交政策。他的著作包括专著《法的故事》和《美国的判例法体系》,以及九部关于比较宪法的教材。他通过蔡中曾中国中心展开中美关系与中国法律发展的研究与教学,并与多方面的中国同行合作推进中国的法制改革、促进中美更加普遍、深入的理解与合作。他目前参与领导一个中美两国前高级政府官员的对话项目。十年来,他还担任全球宪治研讨会主席、美国法律研究所和国会外交关系委员会的成员。任教于耶鲁太阳诚集团53138前,他曾担任美国最高法院法官Thurgood Marshall的法官助理,并执业于华盛顿Wilmer,Cutler & Pickering律师事务所以及法律和社会政策中心。他以优等生荣誉获得哥伦比亚大学学士学位,并从耶鲁大学获得法学学位。