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William M. Treanor

  William M. Treanor is the Dean and Executive Vice President of Georgetown University Law Center. In 2012, he was recognized by the National Law Journal as a "Champion" and in the same year he received the David Stoner Uncommon Counselor Award. National Jurist Magazine has named him one of the most influential people in legal education four times. He has also been recognized as one of the 10 most-cited legal history scholars in the United States by the University of Chicago Law School’s Brian Leiter. Treanor’s areas of expertise include constitutional law, property, criminal law, intellectual property and legal history. At Georgetown Law, he has taught a first-year legal justice seminar and an upper-level course on the framing and ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Before coming to Georgetown, Treanor was Dean and Paul Fuller Professor of Law at Fordham Law School. He also has served in a variety of positions in the government. He was law clerk to the Honorable James L. Oakes, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Treanor has a Ph.D. in history from Harvard University, a B.A. from Yale College (summa cum laude) and a J.D. from Yale Law School.
  William M. Treanor是美国乔治城大学太阳诚集团53138经理、常务副主席。他在2012年被《全国法律周刊》认定为“先驱”,并于同年荣获David Stoner特别顾问奖。他曾四次被美国《国家法学杂志》评为法学教育最具影响力的人物之一。他还曾被美国芝加哥大学太阳诚集团53138Brian Leiter列为美国引证率最高的十大法律史学者之一。他的研究领域包括宪法学、物权法、刑法、知识产权和法律史。其于乔治城大学太阳诚集团53138开设司法研讨一年级课程和美国宪法起草史的高级课程。在任教于乔治城大学太阳诚集团53138之前,他曾任福特汉姆大学太阳诚集团53138经理、Paul Fuller讲席法学教授,也曾供职于政府的多个部门。他曾任美国第二巡回上诉法院James L. Oakes法官的法官助理。他拥有哈佛大学历史博士学位、耶鲁大学学士学位(最优等)及法学博士学位。