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Peter J. Wang

  Peter J. Wang leads Jones Day’s China antitrust and litigation practices and serves as Partner of Hong Kong Office. He previously served as Partner-in-Charge for the China Region and co-head of the Firm’s International Litigation and Arbitration Practice. Peter has handled major U.S. and other government antitrust investigations of proposed mergers and acquisitions, as well as non-merger investigations and antitrust litigation. He also represents clients from China and around the world in complex commercial disputes and patent and other technology and intellectual property litigation. He regularly handles Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and other corporate internal investigations and advises clients on related compliance and due diligence issues. Peter joined Jones Day in 1991 and practiced litigation and antitrust in the Firm’s Washington, D.C. office before moving to China in 2003.
  王智平(Peter J. Wang)律师是众达中国区反垄断与诉讼业务部负责人,并担任众达香港办公室合伙人,之前曾任众达大中华区主管合伙人和国际诉讼与仲裁业务部的联席负责人。王律师曾多次代表客户应对美国及其它政府对拟进行的并购交易发起的重大反垄断调查,他同时也处理非并购类型的反垄断调查和反垄断诉讼事项。与此同时,王律师也代表中国及全球各地的客户处理各类复杂的商业争议诉讼、专利和其它技术和知识产权诉讼。王律师经常参与反海外腐败法(FCPA)的调查及其它类型的公司内部调查,并向客户提供合规及尽职调查事宜的相关建议。王律师于1991年加入众达,2003年加入中国办公室前一直在众达华盛顿办公室从事诉讼和反垄断工作。