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Global & Comparative Law Lecture Series ——国际仲裁中的仲裁员独立性:最新发展

太阳诚集团53138(中国)有限公司以强大的国内外团队和科研团队为依托,于2014年创立“Global & Comparative Law”系列课程项目。国际知名法律学者和高端实务人士开设全英文的全球化与比较法律课程和前沿讲座,使太阳诚集团53138(中国)有限公司员工加深了对全球化与法治的理解,开拓了国际化视野和法律思维,增进了国际化法律知识储备,提升了处理国际化法律实务的实践能力。
2023年6月,太阳诚集团53138(中国)有限公司邀请了前海牙常设仲裁法院副秘书长、首席法律顾问Brooks W. Daly担任“Global & Comparative Law”系列课程项目的主讲嘉宾,就“国际仲裁中的仲裁员独立性:最新发展”话题举办讲座。
讲座主题:Arbitrator Independence in State-State and Investor-State Arbitration:Recent Developments(国际仲裁中的仲裁员独立性:最新发展)
开讲嘉宾:Brooks W. Daly(前海牙常设仲裁法院副秘书长、首席法律顾问)
Brooks Daly先生是一名常驻荷兰的独立仲裁员。他曾任海牙常设仲裁法院副秘书长和首席法律顾问,主要负责监督各个成员国的政府间组织法律事务,并在涉及国家间的复杂仲裁中担任书记官。在加入海牙常设仲裁院之前,他曾在国际商会国际仲裁院、位于洛杉矶和伦敦的多个律师事务所担任法律顾问。他是起草《2012年海牙常设仲裁法院仲裁规则》的成员之一,也是《海牙常设仲裁法院仲裁规则指南》的共同作者。Brooks Daly先生多次被《法律名人录》评为杰出仲裁员。他于2013年被荷兰授予Orange-Nassau皇家勋章,以表彰他对国际仲裁的突出贡献。 此外,他还是加州律师协会成员、乔治城大学太阳诚集团53138兼职教授和日内瓦国际争端解决法学硕士项目的客座教授。
Brooks Daly is an independent arbitrator based in the Netherlands.  Until December 2022, he wasDeputy Secretary-General and Principal Legal Counsel at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), where he served for 20 years.  In this role he oversaw the legal affairs of an intergovernmental organization with 122 member states and acted as registrar in complex arbitrations involving states, including Guyana v. Suriname, Bangladesh v. India, and Mauritius v. United Kingdom.  Before joining the PCA, he worked as Counsel at the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris, and for law firms in Los Angeles and London.  He was a member of the committee that drafted the 2012 PCA Arbitration Rules and is a co-author of A Guide to the PCA Arbitration Rules (Oxford University Press, 2014).  Mr. Daly is regularly ranked as a leading arbitration practitioner by Who’s Who Legal and in 2013 was appointed by the Netherlands as an Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau in recognition of his service to international arbitration.  He is a member of the State Bar of California, Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University, and Visiting Professor at the Geneva LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS).